Whitewater Rafting Guidebooks for the Merced River
Need more information about the Merced or looking for other whitewater rafting options? The California whitewater rafting guidebooks referenced in this site are great resources to the many rivers of California.
California Whitewater was written
by world renowned whitewater expert, Jim Cassady and his partner Fryar Calhoun.
This guidebook highlights many of the great whitewater rafting runs of varying
degree across the state of California.
Visit the Online Store of Pacific River Supply to find a copy of California Whitewater and other guidebooks written by Jim Cassady. www.pacificriversupply.com
The Best Whitewater in California was written by Lars Holbek and Chuck Stanley. This guidebook features some
of the most challenging whitewater in the state. The Best Whitewater
in California was written more for kayaking than whitewater rafting.
However, many of the runs are suitable for both.
To pick up a copy of The Best Whitewater in California, visit the
River Store in Lotus, CA or on their website: